What did you do on Saturday?
What did you do on Saturday? If you were bored, then I’d like to invite to participate in the next 2nd Saturday Stroll in downtown Guthrie. It’s the opportunity to shop in stores that you may have previously been too busy to visit. Or use it as the chance to catch up with a friend you don’t see often enough. It can be your next family activity to complete an unusual game of BINGO together. Whatever you use it for . . . . . just don’t miss out! While you are out enjoying the uniqueness of our little town, please come by the studio so we can see your beautiful face (and we will stamp your card)! Find more info here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057324735109
Looking forward . . . . .
It can seem difficult to crane your neck around the corner to catch glimpses of the future. There’s a bit of unpredictability to it. But there’s anticipation too. A sense of new adventures just waiting on you to take the first step. This is the week before school begins. The return to a more structured scheduled. New activities. New friends & teachers. New growth. Often times it also means new clothes, new information and . . . . . new fears. Yep. I said it. Looking ahead can be unsettling and a bit scary. I have decided to stand on THAT mountain top and shake my fist at all those insecurities this year. There’s nothing to be gained from worrying over things we cannot control. This week I am choosing to focus on the little things. A strangers smile. The unexpected compliment. The shape of the clouds. So if you see me out & about –– looking stressed or voicing some ‘concern’ please feel free to remind me that there is JOY in the daily pieces of life. And I hope you find your joy in the unexpected future with me!
Until next time,