Tidbits of info
Cold weather
It’s official. January is done and February is moving like a Lambo showing off for a pretty girl!
February 2023
And we’re off . . . . . .
The new year is in full swing and we are anxiously awaiting spring! I know some of you are cold weather people and that’s great . . . . for you! Heath loves the cold too so you have company! For Shelton’s, the best part of winter is getting to use our studio to its maximum potential!
JANUARY 2023 Well, we are ushering in a new year along with new goals and expectations. Some have well-thought plans and schedules to accomplish much. Some have superstitions and traditions that lean toward luck.
Well, life is busy, people!
Well, life is busy, people! You know it. I know it. Everyone feels it!
Great things are happening for Shelton’s Photography & Design
The Visit Guthrie Challenge has started
Happy Monday Friends!
Welcome to AUGUST! Can you believe it’s approaching the end of summer, the beginning of a new school year, the last quarter of 2022, the hottest days of the year . . . . .Ahhh!