Shelton's Photography & Design

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It’s a day late. . .

It’s a day late. . . . . Maybe you didn’t notice. Shelton‘s blog post is supposed to come out on a Monday but . . . . I’m a day late. Perhaps you’ve had a time where everything happens all at once. It seems like so much, so fast, that your mind can’t keep the details straight.

Last week was full of whirlwind activities getting our oldest ready to return to college. It’s rewarding to see your child morphing into a capable adult but it also pulls at your heart strings when you see glimpses of the sweet little child they once were. No one and nothing prepares you for being the parents of an adult. It just happens. Overnight.

So here’s an excerpt from Grown & Flown that they borrowed from No Greater Joy. I think this is how to parent grown kids:

Dear big kids, I will meet you where you’re at.

I will meet you in the kitchen when you get up in the morning and have a long day ahead of you, and you ask me if I could make you some breakfast or you let me make you some breakfast.

I will meet you by the side of the road when your car starts making a funny noise and you’re not sure it’s going to get you where you need to go.

I will meet you at Subway or Tropical Smoothie or anywhere when you’ve got just enough time between one thing and another to eat but not enough to come home.

I will meet you on the couch when you get home late at night and feel like talking.

I will meet you in the driveway before you’ve even turned off your car engine when you come home for a weekend or a vacation or a holiday.

I will meet you in a state halfway between where you are most of the time and where I am most of the time, so I can see you for any amount of time.

I will meet you on FaceTime or Zoom.

I will also meet you at other places where you sadness or heartache or disappointment or confusion or anxiety. I will do my best to try not to rush you through these places but to help you make them count while you’re in them.

And, I’ll meet you in celebration or victory or flat-out happiness, and here, mine will be the loudest applause of all.

I know sometimes where you’re at isn’t going to be someplace you want me to be or need me to be. And that’s okay.

But when it is, as much as it’s within my power and won’t hold you back from getting where you need to go, just say the word, and I’ll meet you there

Until next time!